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Bart A. Rauluk

Bart A. Rauluk

Board President
Veritas Communications Advisors, LLC - Chief Financial and Operations Officer

Bart calls himself an ‘accidental activist.’  As a long-term HIV survivor, he has served as a community leader for HIV treatment and care for nearly 40 years. Bart witnessed the HIV epidemic in New York City's Greenwich Village from the beginning in the early 1980s and helped to establish a grass roots community group in Pittsburgh. Bart’s activism now is concerned with the care and quality of life of all long-term HIV survivors. He is happy to have been involved with Allies for over 25 years.

Keri Harmicar

Keri Harmicar

Board vice president
Senior Communications Director, UPMC Health Plan

Keri is the Senior Communications Director for UPMC Insurance Services Division. She is responsible for all internal and employee communications and is co-chair of the DEI Council. She has created an award-winning podcast, called Inspire, which is focused on the employee experience and has also developed a video series highlighting the work of UPMC employees in the community. Keri is the board Vice President of Allies for Health + Wellbeing, as well as board emeritus of Northside Common Ministries. She is on the strategy and development committees of Persad, The Pittsburgh International Jazz Festival, and Attack Theater. She is also a member of United Way Women Unite. 

Gwyn Cready

Gwyn Cready

Board Secretary
Strategy consultant

Gwyn Cready has been active with Allies since the 2000s. She serves on the board's executive committee as secretary. Gwyn worked for 25 years in brand management, PR, advertising, business strategy, and thought leadership at GSK, a pharmaceutical company. She is a strategy consultant to Fortune 500 companies and writer.

Paul E Block

Paul E Block  

Board treasurer

Paul has been a CPA for 40 years, working in the nonprofit arena as a tax preparer and consultant for over 20 of those years. Paul is a member of the American Institute and PA Institute of CPAs. He serves on the boards of Chatham Baroque (treasurer), Service Coordination Unlimited (treasurer), The Pittsburgh Schweitzer Fellows Program (treasurer), The Three Rivers Business Alliance and Foundation (treasurer), The PGH New Works Festival and POWER. Paul earned a BS in economics/mathematics Allegheny College, a MS in Taxation from Robert Morris University. Additionally, Paul holds an MBA and JD from Duquesne University School of Law.

Jim Cassaro

Jim Cassaro

University of Pittsburgh, Librarian/Professor emeritus

Jim was the head of the Theodore M. Finney Music Library at Pitt for twenty-four years (1999-2023). He is the author of several monographs and is now editor of Fontes Artis Musicae (2015-), the quarterly journal of IAML. He was editor-in-chief of Notes, quarterly journal of the Music Library Association (2004-2010) and is active in the Music Library Association (MLA) and the American Musicological Society (AMS). Jim holds a B.A. in Music (1978) and the MLS (1980) from the University at Buffalo, and an M.A. in Musicology (1993) from Cornell University.

Nayck B. Feliz

Nayck B. Feliz

Pitt Men's Study/Clinical Research Assistant

Nayck has been a member of the board since 2024 and has been in HIV prevention for over 20 years. He has worked for organizations such as the HIV Prevention and Care Project, the Pitt Men’s Study, the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, and Allies for Health and Wellbeing. Nayck grew up in Puerto Rico, of Dominican parents, and has lived in Pittsburgh since 2008.

Kirsten Franzen

Kirsten Franzen

Senior Attorney, Naval Nuclear Laboratory

Kirsten is an employment and labor attorney with nearly 20 years of experience in law. Calling Pittsburgh home for the last 10 years, Kirsten previously served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of North Dakota, and as Chief Compliance Officer and Special Assistant Attorney General for the North Dakota University System. Kirsten holds a BA in English from Carleton College and holds a JD with distinction from The University of North Dakota School of Law. 

James Giammarco

James Giammarco

UPMC Insurance Services Division; Chief Financial Officer, Medicaid Programs

James is the Chief Financial Officer of Medicaid Programs within the UPMC Insurance Services Division. He is responsible for the oversight of all the financial performance within the various Medicaid insurance products, which serves over 2 million members including Community Care Behavioral Health Organization, UPMC Community HealthChoices, UPMC for You, and UPMC for Kids. In addition, since 2015 James has served as the Chief Financial Officer for Askesis Development Group, a behavioral health software solutions company jointly owned by UPMC (70%) and Highmark Ventures, Inc. (30%).

Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt, MD, FACP

Retired Physician

Susan is the founder and former Medical Director of Pittsburgh AIDS Center for Treatment (PACT). She is a retired General Internist practicing in the Pittsburgh area since 1979. Raised in a single parent household in Nebraska, she is the only physician in her family. Susan believes that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Susan earned her medical degree from the University of Washington and a bachelor's degree from Grinnell College.


Angela Lucente-Prokop, PhD, PMP

Vice President Operations & Government Liaison for PA Health & Wellness

 Angela's skills and core competencies are leadership, business development and growth, operational efficiency and effectiveness and all stages of scaling programs including development, implementation, evaluation, and improvement. She is passionate about mission and amplifying the talent of leaders and teams to achieve results. She was a fellow with the National Practice Change Leaders Program for leaders in the fields of Aging and Healthcare. Angela has 10+ years of experience as a board member, leading board committees and as a board chair for organizations that serve diverse populations including the Veteran’s Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania, Shady Lane and now Allies for Health & Wellbeing.


Michelle Pagano Heck

President, Nonprofit Talent

Michelle is the president and owner of Nonprofit Talent, the Pittsburgh region’s leading nonprofit executive search firm. Michelle Pagano Heck works with the social sector to improve the capacity of organizations through transition management and executive recruitment. Michelle graduated from the College of Wooster and received her master's degree from The University of Pittsburgh.